Content Management Systems Still Failing Digital Professionals
Source: Econsultancy / Adobe [download page] Notes: While companies are recognizing “the need to provide a seamless experience where content and commerce intertwine,” few digital professionals feel...
View ArticleUS Daily Deal Users, by Demographic
Source: YouGov Notes: Roughly 4 in 10 American adults use online coupons or deals like those offered by Groupon, per YouGov, with these deals more popular among women (43%) than men (34%). Among age...
View ArticleAre Advertisers Ignoring African-American Media?
African-Americans represent 14.4% of the American population, yet only 2.6% of major media advertising is spent on African-American media, details Nielsen in a recent study [download page], with this...
View ArticleB2B Buyers Increasingly Researching, Making Purchases Online
Some 94% of B2B buyers report conducting some degree of research online before making a business purchase, including 55% who do so for at least half of their purchases, finds the the latest annual...
View ArticleTop 10 Multi-Platform Mobile-Phone Entertainment Websites – September 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Multi-Platform Health & Medical Information Websites – September 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Multi-Platform Travel Websites – September 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Multi-Platform Real Estate Websites – September 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleNorth American Sports Market Revenue Forecast, 2014-2018
Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) [pdf] Notes: The North American sports market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 4.5% from 2013 through 2018, per a new report from PwC. The...
View ArticleUpper-Income Consumers’ Daily Discretionary Spending Trends
Source: Gallup Notes: Daily self-reported spending on purchases other than home, vehicle or monthly bills (in other words, a proxy for discretionary spending) has been much more volatile this year...
View ArticleHow Quality-Driven Affluents Prefer to Shop
Consumers who often pay more for good quality are still value-driven, with the vast majority shopping around to make sure they get the best deal (83%) and needing to be sure they’ve considered all...
View ArticleWhich Types of Product Offers Will Consumers Share on Social Media?
Social media users are more likely to respond to product offers shared by friends and family in their networks than to offers included in sponsored posts and social display ads, finds Yesmail in...
View ArticleTop 10 at Domestic Film Box Office, Weekend of Oct. 3-5, 2014
Content in Rentrak Theatrical box office updates is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its Box Office Essentials theatrical box office data collection and analytical service.
View ArticleMobile Device Owners on How Shopping Apps Can Improve
Source: Contact Solutions [download page] Notes: Asked to identify the top-3 of 11 areas of improvement, 44% of mobile device owners (smartphones and tablets) cited unique savings or discounts,...
View ArticleWeekend Reading, 10/10/14
Half of teen spending is concentrated in 3 categories, reports Piper Jaffray in its latest “Taking Stock With Teens” survey. Clothing (21%) and food (20%) occupy the largest portions of the teen...
View ArticleSocial Logins in Q3: Facebook Widens Overall Lead; Google Takes It Back on...
Source: Janrain Notes: After having closed the social login share gap with Facebook to less than 5% points in Q1, Google now sites 12% points back, per Janrain’s latest quarterly report. On a more...
View ArticleThe World’s 10 Most Valuable Brands in 2014
Source: Interbrand Notes: Apple and Google remain atop the list of most valuable brands this year, with both exceeding $100 billion in brand value for the first time. While the composition of the top...
View ArticleHow Organizations Are Engaging in – and Measuring – Customer Marketing
Customer marketing – defined as “pursuing revenue from existing customers” – is considered to be important by roughly three-quarters of respondents to a new Demand Metric survey [download page]...
View ArticleInstagram Grows As Teens’ Social Network of Choice
Teens continue to gravitate to Instagram and away from Facebook, finds Piper Jaffray in its latest semi-annual survey of American teens. Roughly three-quarters of respondents reported using the visual...
View ArticleMajority of Likely Millennial Voters Rely on Mobile Devices for News and Info
Source: Fusion Notes: Some 53% of Millennials (18-34) agree that their primary source of news and information is their smartphone or tablet, with this figure higher among the 18-24 (59%) than 25-34...
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