Top 10 TV Programs on Twitter, Week of Feb. 10-16, 2014
Source: Nielsen More results (Tweets, Unique Authors, and Impressions) can be found in the attached spreadsheet. Activity metrics (Unique Authors and Tweets) are a measure of relevant Twitter activity...
View Article1 in 4 B2B Companies Report Use of Tablets to Aid Sales-Related Activities
Some 23% of B2B companies have deployed tablets in sales-related activities, according to newly-released results from Corporate Visions. The survey uncovers somewhat conflicting findings: few companies...
View ArticleTraditional Retail Gains in Customer Satisfaction, While E-Commerce Slips
While e-commerce sites have generally enjoyed higher levels of customer satisfaction than traditional retail stores, the gap has disappeared for the time being, according to the latest industry-wide...
View ArticleState of Data Quality? Worsening.
On average, American companies believe that 25% of their data is inaccurate, finds Experian Quality Data in a recent survey. That’s higher than the overall average drawn from 6 countries – the US, UK,...
View ArticleEmail Marketers Say It’s All About Relevant, Compelling Content
A spate of recent research has highlighted the importance of relevance in marketing messaging, and a benchmarking report [download page] from Ascend2 concerning email marketing comes to a similar...
View ArticleTop 10 at Domestic Film Box Office, Weekend of Feb. 14-16, 2014
Content in Rentrak Theatrical box office updates is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its Box Office Essentials theatrical box office data collection and analytical service.
View ArticleTop 10 Shopping and Classifieds Websites – January 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Business Information Websites – January 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Travel Websites – January 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleTop 10 Radio Websites – January 2014
Note: The Experian Marketing Services data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise...
View ArticleOnline Influencers: Topics Internet Users Are Posting Their Opinions About
When it comes to sharing on social media sites, internet users around the world are more likely to be found sharing their opinions than news items, per a recent study from Ipsos. Now, new data publicly...
View ArticleCMOs’ Pessimism Surrounding Traditional Ad Spending Eases
The latest installment of The CMO Survey from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business has been released, and while it strikes a familiar tone with regards to the direction of digital marketing spend...
View ArticleProfiling 7 Segments of US Smartphone Users
Experian Marketing Services has released a report [download page] segmenting US smartphone owners into 7 groups, ranging from the hyper-connected “prodigies” (who make up 5% of the smartphone...
View ArticleThe Mobile Tactics Perceived As Most Essential For Engagement
A new report [download page] from Urban Airship based on the completion of a “Mobile Maturity Self-Assessment” tool by more than 500 senior marketing leaders uncovers what those participants believe to...
View ArticleTop 10 Broadcast TV Engagement, Week of Feb. 3-9, 2014
Source: Rentrak. Content in Rentrak updates is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its TV Essentials data collection and analytical service. The “Stickiness” Index is the average...
View ArticleTop 10 Cable TV Engagement, Week of Feb. 3-9, 2014
Source: Rentrak. Content in Rentrak updates is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its TV Essentials data collection and analytical service. The “Stickiness” Index is the average...
View ArticleAre Facebook Advertisers Ignoring International Markets?
A new report [download page] released by Marin Software makes the case that there are substantial unexplored opportunities for Facebook advertisers to target audiences outside of North America....
View ArticleHow Big is the US Meetings Industry?
Meetings are big business in the US, according to a new economic significance study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers US along with an alliance of Convention Industry Council (CIC) members. The study...
View ArticleQuantitative Proof of Marketing Spend’s ROI Still Eludes CMOs
There’s been plenty of discussion of late concerning marketing ROI – or at least marketing’s ability to prove it – and new survey results from the latest edition of The CMO Survey indicate that not...
View ArticleFor Most Global Mobile Internet Users, Phones Are The Primary Device For...
6 in 10 mobile internet users from 14 key markets around the world say they typically go online to surf the web mostly (37%) or exclusively (23%) from their mobile phone, says InMobi [download page] in...
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